Hardback edition, click for larger picture.

Texas Night Riders


Jubil Raines aka Jack Scott-Man pushed to vengeance by the murder of his son and the near murder and living burial of himself while he was trying to bury his wife. Confederate war veteran.



Scarface aka Jase Thornton-Leader of the men who started the trouble. They robbed the Longview Bank before showing up at Jubil�s place.

Gray Beard-First to die. Found and killed in the Dead Dog Saloon in Mud Creek, a town that has lots of troubles in Lansdale books.

Dead Eye aka One Eyed Kid-The one that got away for the time being.

Sheriff Taylor-Tries to stop Jubil in Mud Creek.

Rosa-Local saloon girl.

Jack Allison-Dead Dog bartender.

Coolie Adams-Town drunk.

Mattie Jane Brennan-Wounded girl saved by Jubil.

Old Sarah-Her mare.

Samuel Griffith-Farmer in Starrville who tells Jubil how to get to Miguel. Nmae also used in Nightrunners.

Bart Brennan-Mattie�s dad.

Rufus, Harold, Alan Gardner-Some of Bart�s men.

Henry Thompson-Town doctor.

Jake-One of Thorton�s riders killed by Thorton.

Old Chester Wright, Fred Cannon, Jim East and his wife Lilly-Local farmers and ranchers.


Billy-Nightrider killed by Thorton.


Mud Creek was the nearest town to where Jubil lived, a half days ride away.

The town of Miguel was the biggest town between Starrville and Tyler.

Thorton headquarters are at the old Martin place.

Jubil heads to Mexico as the book ends to find the last man. Mattie says she will wait for him.

The Lucky Lady Saloon in Miguel has been renamed the Cold Dead Lady Saloon.

Jubil is called a zombie at one point in Mud Creek. In another Lansdale book, Dead in the West, zombies really do invade the town.


Jubil Raines had just lost his wife and was burying her as Thorton and his men show up. They kill Caleb and bury Jubil alive. Jubil escapes and goes after them. He finds himself in a war in Miguel as Thorton and his Nightriders are trying to take over the town.

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